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ACT Memo - Updates: ACT Pandemic Plans

Program Manager

TO: ACT Board Members; Agency Leads; Admin Staff; and Providers

FROM: ACT TBEI Program Manager

DATE: March 17, 2020

RE: Updates: ACT Pandemic Plans

ACT Board of Directors, Agency Leads, TBEI Program Manager; and Team Coordinators have been working together to ensure that the safety of all ACT members is addressed during this pandemic. AzEIP has had its first conference call with contractors, ASDB, and DDD to provide general guidance. We are working diligently to share information timely.

Effective immediately, ACT has adopted to use Zoom for telehealth services. This is mandatory for all ACT providers. Please follow-up with your agency for more information.

We have discussed a few topics and will be providing more information on the following:

o Zoom (telehealth), including consent from parents.

o Talking points for providers to use with families about changes to TBEI services.

o Conducting screening and evaluation via telehealth.

o Using PDF versions of the DAYC and REEL.

o Billing TBEI services provided via Zoom.

o Ensuring confidentiality is adhered to for virtual visits.

o Obtaining parents signatures and consents.

o Team conferencing via Zoom.

o Incident Reports: Requirement by AzEIP when a reported COVID-19 suspected or confirmed case is reported by the family and/or provider.

o Translation Services: Working with internal resources we have for Spanish speaking families; working with Language Connection for telehealth services for non-English and non-Spanish speaking families.

o Transition Process: Ensuring that IDEA Part C transition process is completed timely, with or without the local school district.

o ACT Office Hours: New office hours to ensure the safety of ACT Admin staff.

o Support for families without telephone or internet services.

o Collaboration with ASDB and DDD via Zoom.

o Go-to Meetings for Agency leads and providers, as needed.

ACT will provide regular updates to its member daily by 5pm via email, as needed.

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