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Program Manager

ACT Memo - COVID-19: ACT Updates #2

ACT COVID-19 Team has had several conference calls this week. Here are updates from those calls.


o ACT office will continue to do business during normal business hours. There will be no interruption in ACT phone lines, faxes, or emails.

o ACT office staff will be working remotely four of the five weekdays. There will be someone in the office on Mondays (9:30am -1:30pm), Wednesdays (1-5pm), and Fridays (10-2pm).


o ACT COVID-19 Team are waiting on more information from AzEIP regarding billing teletherapy services. No additional updates.


o ACT, DDD, and ASDB are required to continue to collaborate during this pandemic.

o Amber, Susan, and Caroline have been touching base with our EI partners to ensure support is provided to all in the field.

o ASDB is also using Zoom and has mentioned that they can set up teletherapy sessions for children they are assigned to.

o Due to DES restrictions, DDD is not allowed to use Zoom; but does have State cellphones, which can accommodate multiple people on a call.


o We understand that conducting an evaluation via Zoom may have its challenges. If needed, the evaluators may schedule two sessions to complete the evaluation.

o Electronic PDF version of the DAYC and REEL were sent out by Jennifer to all providers. Please contact Jennifer at if you have any questions.

o Please remember to use the current DER (June 2016). A copy of the DER is here.


o If a provider and/or family member has been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19, and Incident Report must be completed. Please contact Caroline for additional guidance on how to complete the Report.


o Refer to the separate Memo on how to obtain signatures from a family.

TRANSITION (Indicator 8)

o Please refer to separate Memo on Transition.


o ACT will continue to follow the same procedures when requesting translation services with Language Connection. Language Connection has requested that the provider make note on the request form that the visit is via Zoom and to send the translator the information for Zoom.

o For the new referrals in ACT R9, those referrals will be assigned to an ACT Spanish speaking team in R3 or R9.


o ACT has moved forward with using Zoom as the primary method for providing TBEI services. If a family is having difficulty with technology, please call the family directly and provide services via the phone. The provider, SC and/or core team member, must document the method in which services were provided, including any difficulties a family may have. For those families who do not have internet or phone services, please contact ACT TBEI Program Manager, so that a back-up plan is in place.

o As an FYI, Zoom (paid version) will automatically record each session.

o If you are having issues with Zoom, please contact your agency for support.

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