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ACT Memo - COVID-19: Update #19

Program Manager

ACT Updates/Reminders:

  • No updates this week.

AzEIP Updates/Reminders:

AzEIP AHCCCS Member Service Request Form:

  • We have had several questions about the correct form to use for AMSRs. The AzEIP office met with AHCCCS and we determined that all AzEIP teams should use the form that is posted on the AHCCCS website as our form is not functioning as intended (Please see link below) Effective immediately, the AMSR form that is on the AHCCCS website must be used and can be accessed here.

COVID Response Updates:

  • The AzEIP team with support of the COVID Taskforce will be sending a survey to Program Leaders shortly to assess readiness to partially resume in person services. Please be sure your teams are aware that our current guidance remains the same and we have not begun resumption of in person services. We are working on an approach that will take into account local determining factors and other information you all provide to ensure the health and safety of our service providers and families. The change will not happen immediately, we are working diligently to release guidance so that this can be a smooth and safe process.

  • ACT COVID-19 Team will continue to have regular meetings to ensure we have a plan for returning to the homes that will align with DES/AzEIP guidance. At this time, we don’t have any other updates.

First Annual AzEIP/ADE Conference:

  • We are very excited to announce that AzEIP is partnering with ADE this year to hold a joint conference with the focus on professional development opportunities for supporting children with disabilities 0-8. We are in the very beginning stages of planning and would like some information from the field as to what topics would be of interest. Please share this link with all of your teams. We need to have some data available for our next meeting at the end of September. The conference will be held Feb. 11-12, 2021 virtually. Thank you for your support and consideration as we work to ensure that our EI teams have access to high quality Professional Development opportunities!

Stay safe and wear your mask!

Caroline Oglesby

ACT Program Manager

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