ACT Updates/Reminders:
Congratulations to ACT Regions 3, 6, and 9! We were able to close out monitoring by meeting compliance for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2018. Thanks to everyone for ensuring documents were in Central Reach for verification. Special thanks to the ACT Service Coordinators for their support with maintaining child records and ongoing child file reviews.
Great news! Dr. Melissa Lake, Psychologist, is available to support ACT teams for team conferencing, evaluation, team lead, joint visits, and IFSP meetings. She has asked that when scheduling, please give her at least a two-week notice. You can contact Dr. Lake directly by calling 201-232-9916 or emailing her at Please remember to add Dr. Lake as an assigned team member in I-TEAMS.
ACT is applying for additional opportunities outside of early intervention. If you or someone you know who has experience with infant toddler mental health, behavioral health, Department of Child Safety (DSC), please contact Leo Huppert at by Monday, March 8th. Sorry for the late request.
SCs Meeting: Friday, April 2nd (9:30 – 11am).
AzEIP Updates/Reminders:
AzEIP Covid Task Team continues to meet to review DHS, OSEP and DES guidelines and safety precautions for returning to the homes.
There are no other updates from AzEIP.
Stay safe and wear your mask!
Caroline Oglesby
ACT Program Manager