ACT COVID-19 Team and ACT Agency Leads and Owners met this morning for our TBEI Agency Lead Committee Meeting. We have a couple of things to share today.
Updates for Today
ACT will continue to provide tele-intervention services until further guidance from DES/AZEIP.
When scheduling a Tele-intervention session with a family, please share with the family what that session would look like, so that the family and child are prepared for the actual session. Here are some helpful suggestions:
Providing clear guidance to the family about tele-intervention.
Finding out what the child’s schedule looks like throughout the day, such as, naps, mealtime, playtime, tummy time, etc.
Identifying what time would be best for a screening or evaluation, so that providers would have an opportunity to observe a child during activities.
Rescheduling or continuing an evaluation when a child is not drowsy, cranky, hungry, sleeping, etc.
Completing an evaluation during a CFA session, if needed.
Asking the family to share home videos of the child engaging in activities.
Stay Safe!!!!