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ACT Memo - COVID-19: Updates #6

Program Manager

ACT COVID-19 Team and ACT Agency Leads and Owners met this morning for its weekly COVID-19 Meeting.

Updates for Today

o ACT Office Hours – Changes: For the safety and well being of ACT office staff, all office staff will be working remotely from home. Office staff will continue to provide support during normal business hours, Monday – Friday (8am -5pm).

o Document Uploads to Central Reach: If you received documents back from a family via DocuSign, please remember to label and upload documents as you have been prior to this Pandemic.

o DDD Application: DDD Eligibility Team is aware that there are issues with the current forms. DDD will continue to send back request for DDD eligibility decision if the DDD Application form (7-2019) is not used. Continue to send those rejections to Caroline. I’m still waiting to receive guidance from AzEIP.

o DAYC and REEL: For the safety of ACT Team Coordinators and office staff, we will not deliver any protocols to providers. Electronic versions of the protocols were sent out to all providers. You can email Jennifer at if you need electronic copies.

o NDTL (Non-Direct Team Lead): We are aware of the questions and concerns about NDTL. Always document in your contact notes all non-direct services you are providing. More guidance will be provided upon receipt of new information.

o Referrals: Referrals for all three regions have been within average range for the past three months. There seems to be more referrals of children under 12 months. If you are in contact with any PCP, please remind them that AzEIP is still providing services, which includes accepting new referrals.

Stay Safe!!!!

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