What a week this has been!
On behalf of ACT COVID-19 Team, we would like to thank each of you for the dedication, patience, and flexibility shown throughout this transition. ASDB and DDD have shared how supportive ACT providers and Team Coordinators have been. Families also have shared how well things are going
Just a few reminders…
Zoom is the platform ACT has identified for delivery of TBEI services.
Remember to document in your contact notes how services were provided (i.e. Zoom, telephone, email, mail, etc.)
When using Zoom with video conferencing, please make sure your background is professional. There are many free online resources that provide great ideas.
We all have received several emails throughout this past week from multiple sources. At times, it may be overwhelming. ACT website will be another option for you to access information, such as Memos and updates from ACT; updates on COVID-19; guidance from DES/AzEIP; and many other resources. If you are not a member/user for ACT website, please request to become a member by going to:
ACT website: www.azcooperativetherapies.org
Click on “Provider”
Set-up your Login – New to the Site
You will receive an email when you have been approved as a member.
Final thought for this weekend…
“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” Confucius