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Interpretation Requests


When needing translation services, please remember:


  • All requests for Arabic translation services (Regions 1 -9) are sent directly to Randa Isaac at You can also call Randa at 602-332-9954. No request form is required.

  • All other requests are sent directly to Language Connection via secured email and cc Caroline. You must complete the Language Connection Request form and include it with your secured email to Language Connection.

  • If Language Connection is unable to provide interpretation services, then ACT has another company (LAMP) we can use. Language Access Metro Project (LAMP) is based in another state; therefore, any service provided by LAMP is via-teleconference. Providers will need to contact Caroline first to complete the request(s) for services. LAMP will coordinate the conference call with the family and team members.

  • It is the AzEIP SC (ACT) and/or team members responsibility to bring all AzEIP documents. The translator is not responsible for bringing documents to the home visit and/or teleconference meeting.

  • Translation service is paid for by ACT. This service is not billed to AzEIP or DDD. Failure to adhere to the above guidance may result in the provider agency and/or provider having to pay for translation services.

  • Questions about translation services can be directed to Caroline: or 602-547-1111.


As background, the Federal regulations are very clear that, under the rights and safeguards section of Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA Part C), It is a parent’s right to thoroughly understand all activities and written records about their child, thus the requirement that eligibility determinations, assessments, IFSPs, consents and procedural safeguards must be provided in the native language of the family.


Federal Regulations state: The 2011 Regulations noted, “…requiring the native language to be used in all direct contact with a child, especially in providing early intervention services to an infant or toddler with a disability, may not be necessary or feasible in all circumstances.” “Thus, [the Department] has not included in these final regulations the requirement in proposed §303.25(a)(2) that native language be used in all direct contact with the child. However, as recipients of Federal financial assistance, Part C lead agencies must comply with the requirements in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance.”


The policy of the Department of Economic Security (DES) is to provide quality and timely language assistance services to clients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) to ensure meaningful access to programs, services, and activities. See (34 C.F.R. §303.25) and (DES Policy statement 01-01-34).


AzEIP Policy and Procedures states: “Native language, when used with respect to an individual who is limited English proficiency or LEP means: A. the language normally used by that individual, or, in the case of a child, the language normally used by the parents of the child, except as provided in B. below; B. for evaluations and assessments, the language normally used by the child, if determined developmentally appropriate by qualified personnel conducting the evaluation or assessment. Native language when used with respect to an individual who is deaf or hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, or for an individual with no written language, means the mode of communication that is normally used by the individual (such as sign language, Braille, or oral communication).”


The Scope of Work for all AzEIP providers also has this requirement: “7.0 Administrative Requirements: 7.7. Ensure that all personnel are able to communicate effectively with the family members or caregivers in their native language or other mode of communication (e.g., Spanish, American Sign Language, etc.). If personnel are not fluent in the native language or other mode of communication, the Contractor shall coordinate access to competent interpretation and/or translation through resources available to the family and/or community. If interpretation and/or translation are not available to the family or in the community, the Contractor shall provide appropriate interpretation and/or translation services as a component of service delivery. The Contractor shall ensure that all confidentiality requirements are maintained regardless of the source of interpretation and/or translation services.”


Therefore, AzEIP service coordinators are responsible for obtaining an interpreter (using a parent’s mode of communicating), if feasible to do so. All parents must understand all activities and written records about their child and they must be an informed team member and decision-maker. Interpretation would be those services conducted in person with the family to ensure their understanding. Translation would include those services when documentation needs to be composed from, say, Spanish into English. In responding to the following questions, The DES/AzEIP Office is referencing interpretation services.

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