AzEIP Eligibility
1. Arizona defines as eligible a child between birth and 36 months of age, who is developmentally delayed or who has an established condition that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay.
A. A child birth to 36 months of age will be considered to exhibit developmental delay when that child has not reached 50 percent of the developmental milestones expected at his/her chronological age, in one or more of the following domains:
(1) Physical: fine and/or gross motor and sensory (includes vision and hearing);
(2) Cognitive;
(3) Language/communication;
(4) Social or emotional; or
(5) Adaptive (self-help).
B. Established conditions that have a high probability of developmental delay include, but are not limited to:
(1) Chromosomal abnormalities;
(2) Genetic or congenital disorders;
(3) Disorders reflecting disturbance of the development of the nervous system, such as autism spectrum disorders, seizure disorders, and children born addicted to narcotics, alcohol or an illegal substance;
(4) Congenital Infections, such as congenital cytomegalovirus, congenital toxoplasmosis and congenital rubella;
(5) Metabolic disorders;
(6) Hydrocephalus;
(7) Neural tube defects (e.g., spinal bifida);
(8) Intraventricular hemorrhage, Grade III or IV;
(9) Periventricular leukomalacia;
(10) Cerebral Palsy;
(11) Significant auditory impairment;
(12) Significant visual impairment;
(13) Failure to thrive/pediatric undernutrition;
(14) Severe attachment disorders; and
(15)Disorders secondary to exposure to toxic substances, including fetal
alcohol syndrome.
2. The state’s definition of an eligible child does not include a child who is “at
risk” of having substantial developmental delays if early intervention services
are not provided.
3. A child may be determined eligible for AzEIP by:
A. A review of medical or other records documenting that the child has an established condition;
B. A review of medical or other records documenting that the child has a 50 percent developmental delay in one or more of the developmental areas identified in Section; or
C. Completion of a multidisciplinary evaluation covering all developmental areas that establishes the child has a 50 percent developmental delay in one or more of the developmental areas.
4. One of the following disciplines may determine AzEIP eligibility based on an established condition upon review of medical or other records prepared or authorized by a qualified physician or other professional: DSI, OT, PT, SLP, Social Worker (SW), Psychologist (Psych), Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) or Teacher of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired (TOD). The TVI or TOD determines ASDB eligibility and may determine AzEIP eligibility of a significant visual or hearing impairment.
5. To determine eligibility based on a review of medical or other records establishing a developmental delay, the following criteria must be met:
A. The core team member (PT, OT, SLP, or DSI), or psychologist, or social worker of the same discipline as the qualified professional who completed the record establishing the 50 percent delay, must review the record to determine eligibility; and
B. The record documenting the delay may not be more than six months old.
6. To determine eligibility based on a multidisciplinary evaluation covering all areas of development, the EIP must use two individuals who are of the following disciplines: DSI, OT, PT, SLP, Pscyh, SW, TVI, or TOD. 3.0 Early Intervention Services AzEIP Policies and Procedures Manual Arizona Early Intervention Program 6 Effective July 2016
7. Informed clinical opinion is a part of every eligibility decision and may be used as an independent basis to establish a child’s eligibility for AzEIP even when other instruments do not establish eligibility. However, in no event may informed clinical opinion be used to negate the results of evaluation instruments that document AzEIP eligibility.
8. The AzEIP service coordinator is responsible for providing all needed records (including medical records and the evaluation report, if an evaluation was conducted) to ASDB or DDD to determine potential ASDB or DDD eligibility as soon as the team identifies that the child may be potentially eligible for either of these agencies. DDD determines DDD eligibility. ASDB determines ASDB
eligibility. The AzEIP service coordinator ensures that the DDD Application for Eligibility Determination is completed with the family as soon as possible but no later than immediately following the AzEIP eligibility determination.
9. Early intervention services for an eligible child and the child’s family may begin before the completion of the evaluation and assessments if:
A. Parental consent is obtained;
B. An interim IFSP is developed that includes the-
(1) Name of the service coordinator who will be responsible for implementing the interim IFSP and coordinating with other agencies and persons; and
(2) Early intervention services that have been determined to be needed immediately for the child and family by the team.
C. The evaluations and/or assessments are completed within 45 days from referral. Interim IFSPs are appropriate for eligible children when the child and family are in immediate need of services prior to the child and family assessment and completion of the IFSP.