Team Lead
One member of the team will be your Team Lead. The Team Lead is the early intervention specialist on the team with the skills and knowledge that best fit with what your family wants and needs. The Team Lead will be the main team member who works with your family and will make sure that the skills of other professionals are used. The other team members, who may work with your family, directly or indirectly, to support an identified concern, support the Team Lead. Since early intervention is individualized, your Team Lead may be different than another family’s Team Lead.
The most likely team lead is discussed at the pre-IFSP team meeting with the use of the most appropriate team lead tool. Pre-IFSP discussion is a time to share with the team the results of the evaluation, eligibility, and get input from the core team about a most likely team lead. All children found eligible for AZEIP services, those that underwent an evaluation and those by record review, MUST have a pre-IFSP form completed which reviews family concerns, diagnosis (if any), evaluation scores, and schedules. Please remember that the two providers completing an evaluation are not the only choices for a team lead. Anyone on the core team can be the team lead, even if they did not complete the evaluation. The final team lead decision is completed with the family at the IFSP meeting. The most likely team lead should be present at the initial IFSP to assist in developing the IFSP and to determine if the proper choice has been made and to assist the family and team in determining the appropriate units of support to provide to the family.
If a recommendation is being made to change the team lead, best practice warrants it be made at a team meeting if possible. The team lead is to attend all meetings with the family, which includes transition meetings. The team lead completes the quarterly reports with the family.
The team lead is allotted up to 1.0 unit for non-direct billable time, per quarter. The time spent on non-direct must be documented.