All children determined AzEIP eligible will be added to the team agenda for a team discussion prior to the Initial Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
A. If a child has been determined AzEIP eligible; the team will discuss the eligibility decision and plan for the Initial IFSP meeting during team meeting:
a. Evaluations scores, most likely team lead; and plan for Initial IFSP will be discussed by the team.
b. If the team is uncertain about eligibility using Informed Clinical Opinion; then the team will discuss the evaluation results as a team, getting support from all team members.
c. If a child was determined ASDB eligibility before or during the Initial Planning Process; then the team will also have a Pre-IFSP discussion about the child.
d. Pre-IFSP discussion is also a time to share information about a child with the DDD Support Coordinator.
B. Role and responsibility of team evaluator for Pre-IFSP activity.
1. Evaluator(s) must provide AzEIP eligibility result to the SC within five business days.
a. If AzEIP eligibility is determined by record review, the provider reviewing the record must provide the eligibility decision to the SC within five business days, including a Prior Written Notice (PWN) of Eligibility.
b. If AzEIP eligibility is determined by evaluation, the evaluators must provide the eligibility decision and evaluation results
2. Evaluators must come prepared to discuss a child for Pre-IFSP.
a. The evaluation team will share evaluation scores with the team.
b. The evaluation team will share information about the evaluation visit.
c. The evaluation team will help determine who would most likely be the team.
3. Team members can also help with completing the TC report.
C. Role and responsibility of the AzEIP Service Coordinator for Pre-IFSP activity.
1. AzEIP SC will add a child to the team meeting agenda prior to the Initial IFSP meeting.
a. If a child was determined eligible prior to the agenda going out for team meeting; then the AzEIP SC will add the child to the agenda in Central Reach.
b. If a child was determined eligible after the team agenda goes out to the team for the meeting; then the AzEIP SC can add the child to the agenda during the team meeting.
c. If an Initial IFSP was completed prior to the team having a Pre-IFSP discussion; then the SC will add the child to the agenda to discuss the evaluation results and IFSP services.
d. The goal is to have children added to the team agenda for Pre-IFSP before the team meeting.
2. AzEIP SC will complete an ACT Team Conferencing Report for every Pre-IFSP discussed.
a. The TC report will include evaluation scores, IFSP date, plan for IFSP meeting; who would be the most team lead; and if DDD and/or ASDB eligibility was determined.
b. AzEIP SC will ensure that the core team is listed on the the TC report, marking who was present during the team meeting.
c. AzEIP SC will upload the TC report to Central Reach, ensuring that the report is share with the core team. The TC report will be uploaded to Central Reach within five business days.
d. If a child is going to DDD for service coordination, a copy of the TC report will be provided to DDD, along with other parts of the child record.
D. Role and responsibility of the Regional Program Coordinator (RPC).
1. RPC will ensure that the team is adding children for Pre-IFSP.
a. RPC will use the child count report to monitor when a child was determined AzEIP eligible and if the child was discussed for Pre-IFSP.
b. RPC will provide copies of the Team Conferencing Report template.
2. RPC may periodically check for TC reports in Central Reach, as part of ACT internal audits.