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ACT Memo - COVID-19: Update #14 Family Survey and Evaluation Guidance

ACT would like to acknowledge all the wonderful, creative ways providers have been working with families during this pandemic. Every week, we will identify one provider who has a great story to share with all in ACT. The provider will receive a $25 gift card. You can send me an email or call me at 623-223-2297 with your story!

ACT Updates/Reminders:

o ACT providers can automatically upload and share documents (PWNs, DAYCs, etc.) to Central Reach. You don’t have to send to the Service Coordinators. Please remember to also share with ACT. 😊

o If you are waiting for signed documents from a family and it has been over four weeks, please reach out to the family to help ensure ACT receives all required documents signed.

AzEIP Updates/Reminders:

o During the recent AzEIP data meeting for AzEIP contractors, ASDB and DDD, AzEIP stated that at this time, there are no plans in place for providers to return to the homes/communities to see families/children. All TBEI services will resume via Tele-intervention. (7/7/2020)

o IDEA Part C and AzEIP Policy state that we must have, at minimum, once a month contact with a family by the service coordinator. This includes families who have requested to “hold-off” on TBEI services during this pandemic. The once a month contact can be a phone call, Zoom meeting, and/or email. A Team Lead could support the SC by contacting the family, at minimum of once a month, and provide updates to the SC and other core team members.

o AzEIP Family Survey is now completed electronically. Please discard any paper or Pdf version of the Family Survey you have saved. A Family Survey is completed at every Annual IFSP and at the time a child is exiting out of TBEI services.

·Service Coordinator would send the following link to the family:

· The Spanish version will be updated; however, you can use the current version that’s provided in the link above.

· Service Coordinators may complete the Family Survey over the phone with families.

o I-TEAMS data must be entered within 10 business days of the date of the activity. AzEIP will run a report on July 20th for compliance on timely and accurate data.

o As a reminder, all children who were determined eligible based on Informed Clinical Opinion (ICO), must be re-evaluated within one year, which is a requirement by AzEIP.

· The initial AzEIP eligibility date in I-TEAMS does not change when a child is re-evaluated.

* SC will not change the initial eligibility date on the I-TEAMS Eligibility page when a child is re-evaluated.

* SC will update the category on the I-TEAMS Eligibility page with information on how the child was re-determined AzEIP eligible.

* Re-evaluation shows that the child now has a 50% developmental delay in one or more areas.

* Medical records states that a child has an established condition.

* If the child was re-evaluated and determined not eligible for AzEIP; then that child’s eligibility information on the I-TEAMS Eligibility page would not change. However, the SC would exit the child as “no longer eligible for Part C prior to reaching age three.”

* Providers bill for the re-evaluation as they did for the initial evaluation (same process: Consent; DER; PWN).

· Please visit AzEIP website for more information on evaluation or go to the following links:

· If a family has requested to not have their child re-evaluated via tele-intervention; please contact Caroline for more guidance. AzEIP has asked for updates on those families.

Stay safe and wear your mask!

Caroline Oglesby

ACT Program Manager

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